
November 30, 2023 - December 11, 2023    
All Day

The 2023 ECHS Additional Flowthrough Funding is a non-recurring state-sponsored competitive grant designed to significantly enhance the educational experience in Early College High Schools (ECHS). This initiative, focusing on fostering college acceleration, ensuring successful student outcomes, and boosting overall enrollment, emphasizes the enrichment of the ECHS experience. The accompanying use case and budget narrative offer comprehensive guidelines for the effective utilization of these funds, ensuring that every aspect of the funding is in strict alignment with ECHS missions and adheres to state fund compliance. Central to this initiative is its competitive nature, which underscores the commitment to advancing the core goals of Early College High Schools.

The deadline to submit applications is December 11, 2023.

Click HERE to access additional information.

Click HERE to access the Excel Application Form. (Automatic download in most browsers)

Questions? Contact Kevin O’Shea.