Welcome to

New Mexico Early College
Resource Center

A Community of Best Practice

Early College High Schools are an innovative approach that blends high school and college. These research-based programs allow students to graduate from high school while simultaneously earning college credits toward a degree and/or industry-recognized certification. Early College High Schools give students the launch pad they need to succeed while building the workforce and economy of the surrounding community. 

Pathway2Careers, in partnership with the New Mexico Public Education Department, provides technical assistance, coaching, and resources for ECHS-NM designees, applicants, and prospective applicants. You will find information about upcoming events, designation criteria and requirements, the application process, past event materials, and many other supportive resources and tools on this resource site

college icon

Explore Early College High Schools

View schools formally designated as Early College High Schools by NMPED.


Design Principles of Early College High Schools

Explore the core student-focused design principles of ECHS.


Research on Early College High Schools

Research articles on the Early College High School Model.

New Mexico Career Pathways Resources

Regional labor market information for school districts.


27 Mar

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

March 27, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
28 Mar

End-of-year Data Reporting Office Hours with P2C

March 28, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Topic: NM Early College High School End of Year Report Time: Mar 28, 2025 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Click HERE to join [...]
03 Apr

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

April 3, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
04 Apr

DUE: Required End-of-Year Data Report

April 4, 2025    
All Day
Per New Mexico regulation 6.30.13, all designated ECHS campuses are required to submit key performance indicators, including enrollment trends, dual credit attainment, workforce credentialing, and student [...]
10 Apr

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

April 10, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
17 Apr

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

April 17, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
24 Apr

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

April 24, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
01 May

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

May 1, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
08 May

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

May 8, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
15 May

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

May 15, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
22 May

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

May 22, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]
29 May

ECHS-NM Designation Office Hours for New Applicants

May 29, 2025    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Let us support your work on the designation application! If you have questions, would like assistance, or simply someone with whom to brainstorm solutions, join [...]

Spotlighting Early College High School Research

The SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro provides high quality research, evaluation, and customized support that drives positive educational outcomes for all learners.  Results from two research studies were recently published by Julie Edmunds, Director of the SERVE Early College  Research Center. Dr. Edmunds is widely respected as one of the country’s leading experts committed to researching Early College High Schools and promoting high school reform. Her team’s research validates the benefits of Early College High Schools, indicating the ECHS model appears to be closing the performance gap among student sub-groups. Access both reports via the SERVE Center’s website by clicking below. 

According to 9th grade results from a rigorous, experimental study, Early College High Schools are creating more positive school environments for students resulting in improved attendance, reduced suspensions, and increased numbers of students on-track for college.
According to results from this 14-year, rigorous experimental study, more early college students earned associate degrees and economically disadvantaged students were more likely to earn bachelor's degrees. Additionally, early college students were more likely to complete high school courses required for college. They had higher attendance, lower suspensions and reported better experiences in school than control students. 

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.